5800 Lover's

Play, Share, Touch.

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Credit Bro sendykid
Kalo Salling Clicker kan kita kendaliin Komputer/laptop dengan Hp..
Nah ini kebalikan... kita kendaliin hp lewat Komputer/laptop.
Koneksi ini bisa lewat USB atau Bluetooth ..

Penjelasan :
View and operate your mobile phone from your desktop computer. Access and control all applications on your phone by using your PC’s keyboard and screen.
Optimized for highest performance and real-time control

Remote Professional is the perfect tool for your personal productivity, for creating presentations or documentation, for tutorials or application testing.
Brilliant - manage your phone right from your PC

Quickly enter and send a new SMS, make screenshots of an application running on your phone or even create AVI screencasts from your phone’s screen.

- Support for multiple skins (showing different mobile phone models)
- Customizable (HTML) fullscreen mode (with zoom feature)
- 3 different zoom levels (2x, 3x and 4x)
- Use your keyboard to control your phone in realtime
- Use your mouse to control your phone in realtime (UIQ 3.0 only!)
- Make screenshots, copy them to the clipboard or save them to your PC
- Create AVI movies while navigating on your phone
- Profiles for quickly switching between different performance settings
- Advanced options for balancing performance vs. power consumption:
Reduced color modes, different compression levels, application priority, sampling frequency
- Multiple devices connected to the same PC by using multiple instances of Remote Professional
Prekeetew !!

Download Now !!

7 Comment:

Anonim mengatakan...

Mas angga. Mau tanya nin, tubeq blue. Setelah pake cfw tubeq jadi eror kayak bergaris garis di layar. Apa gara gara pake firmwarenya temenq yg warna merah yah
Soalw q males download xg biru
Tak kira sm aja!

@anonime, bergaris2 gmn bro ??
kayanya gag ngaruh dech kmrn ane make FW yg black tube ane merah gag masalah bro? emang sama aja?

Anonim mengatakan...

mau tanya: ada milis 5800 utk indonesia gak ya?
biar enak kalo mo nanya2...kayak e71 gitu....kan lebih asik drpd di blog tau kaskus...hayo dong mas....bikin milis 5800nya?

@anonime, ahhaha repot bro ..
ane aja repot buat blog aja :D

gan, link-nya kok ga bs ya??
di mirror'in donk gan.

@kanny, gag bisa gmn bro bisa koq?

oh iya gan udah bisa. sory :D
thanks gan

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