Aplikasi Onlend Dari Nokia !!
Preketew !!
Untuk yang ada Masalah Unabel Connet Truz Coba pakai ini !!
Thx Bro Boyriot :D
New Homescren baruuu untuk Nokia 5800 dan Kawan-Kawan ..
Ada Widgetnya Loo !! gag sekeren HS N97 sih ..
Monggo langsung aja dicoba :D
10207114 - Themes 102033E6 - Java Applications 1000484b - Mail folder 10202dce - Installed SIS file |
Untuk Kepentingan Bersama dan Blog ini :D
Udah Resmi dibuka Iklan Benner ..
Yang Mau Ngiklan disini Murah Meriah :) Dijamin PUAS !!
Pict !!
Change Log :
Change Log !!
EURO RED FW 50.0.005 ( Cooking Firmware )
After Flash
Memory Phone 82MB
- Bootscreen Mod
- Disables Auto Startup of Applications Like clock, messages, log etc (Saves RAM)
- Camera-Quality Mod
- Changes cache location from C: to E:
- Permanent Hack Auto
- Stop Nokia SMS Mod
- Music Player Mod Music player reads only E:/Music, create the folder and place your music files there!
- Fixed HS
* Contacts Bar
* Full Page (6 icons)
* Finger Use (8 icons)
* Navigation Bar Satio Mod Trasparant
* Omnia HD Mod Icons
* Vodafone Homescren
* Orange Homescren
- Effeck StormGlide by onemergency
- Bahasa Only inggris
- Revised Starter Mod
- Rotation Lightning fast
- Font Cartton
- Xtreme Menu
- Gallery mod
- UI Acllometer ( Maen Game Tanpa Lag )
- Camera RAM Mod
- Camera Quality
- Running Applications to E:/ in order to increase performance and ram
- Caching Improved in All Drives ( Phone Run Faster)
- Busy Circle Change to s60
- Heap Size
- Disable FOTA Reservation
- Application Policy Mod
- Widget security disable Mod
- File Manager tweak One Mod
- File manager tweak Two Mod
- Messaging Mod
- Recorder mod
- Video mod
- Browser mod
- RAM Cache change
- Phone Trouh v2
- Ram Blow
- Restart
- Rompatch
- Supershot
- Vivas Converter
- BT Switch
- Zip Manager
- Trazparant Soundwave Themes ( Red )
Setting JAFnya !!
Credit by Upakul
Nah Silahkan Lihat-Lihat dan Mulai Memasak :)
Untuk Yang Berbahasa Inggris Saya Tidak tau Keguannya Untuk Apa hehe
NB : Selalu di Update
Kalau Yang Gag tw Bisa Tanya n Comment yaa !!
1.v50 Application Policy Mod
Menginstal Unsigned aplikasi tanpa patch installserver (Work 99%)
2. v50 BT Name Mod
Ubah Nama Bluethot
3. v50 Cache drive change
Ubah lokasi cache browser ke drive E: /
4. v50 Default Theme Mod
Ubah tema defaut Anda
5. v50 Disable Keyboard light
Nonaktifkan keyboard cahaya
6. v50 Heap Size Mod
Meningkatkan ukuran tumpukan sistem dan mengurangi waktu tunda aplikasi
7. v50 Hidden Menu Apps
Menyembunyikan (Profil, Conn Mgr, Tema)
8. v50 Lock Unlock Mod
Nonaktifkan Getaran Unlock Layarr
9. v50 Music Player Mod
Pemutar Music Hanya Mencari di "E:/Sound /My Music"
10. v50 Rotation lightning fast
Lightning rotasi layar cepat (Meningkatkan acceleratometer Anda)
11. v50 Sensor Mod
New "Tapping Control" option in sensor settings
12. v50 Settings Open
All settings icons on the phone menu
13. v50 Startup & Shutdown Mod
Merubah Startup dan Shutdown Sesuai Keinginan Anda.
Baca Read Me nya
14. v50 Xtreme Menu
Tambah 7 Icon Menu
15. 11 Menu Busy Circles
Pilih salah satu Menu Sibuk Lingkaran dan menggunakannya.
Ubah nama setiap MIF untuk "Menu.mif" dan tempat dalam "rofs2/resource/apps /"
16. v50 Browser Rotation Mod
Menyediakan pilihan dalam browser untuk pergi ke modus lansekap bahkan ketika pengaturan sensor adalah off
17. v50 Browser Rotation Mod
Aplikasi Kamera untuk menghapus Cache RAM setelah kamera dimatikan.
18. v50 Camera Sound Mod
Menghilangkan suara kamera bahkan ketika nada peringatan ON
19. v50 RAM Cache change Mod
Turunkan RAM Cache ke C:/ untuk kinerja super cepat
20. v50 Default tone Mod
Edit berkas teks untuk mengubah default Ringtone, nada alarm, nada SMS untuk profil apapun
21. v50 Default Theme Mod
Edit the last line in the text file and change the "Bold Text" to your theme UID
0x14 string "20000008" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail
For 16digit UID themes. Head over to Page 17 for complete Details
22. File Browser
Excellent Nokia File Browser with amazing functions. A must for a cfw!
23. v50 HS New Icons Mod
Menambahkan tiga ikon baru untuk Homescreens Anda ( Hanya Bisa Finger Us dan Nafigasion )
24. Landscape-HS Mod
Blok segala sesuatu ke Lansekap!
25. Personalization Mod
Edit file ini untuk mengatur sendiri Boot Screen, Startup nada, Shut down layar dan nada Shutdown. Lihat di bawah!
0x3 string "PATH UNTUK START UP nada" 0 cap_rd = cap_wr alwayspass = alwaysfail
string 0xD "Path UNTUK STARTUP animasi" 0 cap_rd = cap_wr alwayspass = alwaysfail
string 0x12 "Path untuk shutdown animasi" 0 cap_rd = cap_wr alwayspass = alwaysfail
string 0x14 "PATH UNTUK START UP nada" 0 cap_rd = cap_wr alwayspass = alwaysfail
0x2 int 9 5 cap_rd = cap_wr alwayspass = alwaysfail - Mengubah volume startup dengan mengubah digit "9 5" Nilai tertinggi = "9 9"
0x15 int 9 5 cap_rd = cap_wr alwayspass = alwaysfail - Mengubah volume startup dengan mengubah digit "9 5" Nilai tertinggi = "9 9"
26. UI Acceleration Mod
Mempercepat jalan perangkat banyak karena beberapa tweak grafis! Permainan dan Aplikasi berjalan lebih cepat
27. v50 Default StartUp Message Mod
Same file as "v50 Personalization Mod"
So you need to merge your settings together...
0x5 string "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x6 int 1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
[If the default value is "0" then change it to "1" to enable welcome note]
28. v50 Widget security disable Mod
Menonaktifkan Peringatan mengganggu keamanan Widget
29. v50 Super Start Mod
1. Rom Patcher Autostart
2. Menonaktifkan Nokia Mengirim SMS Selamat
3. Menonaktifkan startup latar belakang Menjalankan Apps
30. File Manager v50 tweak Satu Mod
Memungkinkan pengiriman SIS, SISX, file JAR melalui Manajer file
30. v50 File Manager tweak Two Mod
Default file manager memperlihatkan file sistem E: drive lebih mods akan diperbarui secara perlahan Wink
31. v50 File manager tweak One Mod
Bisa Ngirim File SIS, SISX, JAR files di File Manager
Bahan-bahan Disini Hanya Cocok di Nokia 5800Xm iaa .. Jadi Jangan Coba-Coba Masukin di N900 Anda Hehe ..
Mohon Maaf Kalau ane Telat Banget Ngasih Tau ini yah gimana Lagi .. Terlanjur Mode ON!
Sorry ia Gag d Translate Soalnya Membutuhkan WAktu Yang Lama :p
NB : Tidak Diupdate Lagi
Kalau Yang Gag tw Bisa Tanya n Comment yaa !!
1. New Improved KS Mod
Kinetic Scrooling to a great extent and makes the phone faster
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
2. Bootscreen Mod.zip
Edit the file to change stastup sound and bootscreen image location
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
3. Cache Increase Mod.zip
Edit the files to change cache size and more
Location: rofs2\sys\data
4. Default Ringtone Mod.zip
Edit the file to change the default ringtone path and name
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
5. Camera-Quality Mod.zip
Improves Camera Quality a lot
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
6. Camera-Sound Mod.zip
Mutes the camera sound when the warning tones in profiles are turned off
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
7. Starter.zip
Disables auto startup of applications like clock, messages, log etc (Saves RAM)
Location: rofs2\resource (file updated)
8. Landscape-HS Mod.zip
Enables landscape in homescreen
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
9. Cache Drive Change Mod.zip
Changes cache location from C: to E:
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
10. Menu Mod.zip
Adds custom folder icons to menu (Folders like Navigation, tools etc)
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
11. Gallery Mod.zip
Edit the file to change what folders are monitored by "Images and Videos" of Gallery
Location: rofs2\Private\10202be9
Note: Edit attached file as follows...
12. Default Theme Mod.zip
Edit this file to change the default theme(sound waves) to any theme that gets applied automatically during a hard reset read NOTE for details...
Location: rofs3\Private\10202be9
NOTE: If you remove the sound waves theme. You need to set another theme as default that will automatically be applied after a hard reset. To do this, use nokia editor, open rofs3>private>10202BE9>101F876F.txt
Then see in the last line...
"0x14 string "200157FB" 0 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=alwaysfail"
Just change 200157FB in the line to the folder name of your chosen theme in resource folder (resource\skins\xxxxxxxx)
13. Custom version Mod.zip
Edit the file to change the custom version name of your CFW and even the date installed
Location: rofs3/resource/versions
14. Folder Creations Mod.zip
Edit this files and change commands as in Windows Command Prompt to make your 5800 automatically create custom folders of your choice in MMC and Phone memory after a hard reset.
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
15. Rom Patcher Auto.zip
Put the file in given location to make RomPatcherLite in your CFW autostart.
Location: rofs2/resource/
16. Busy Circle Change.zip
Just place in given location to have a new busy circle over your running applications in your menu.
(It's a tiny blue black coloured curve instead of the default booring green busy circle)
Location: rofs2/resource/apps
17. Zylam Marex Menu Mod.zip
Use this mod to change your default menu and folder icons.
Location: Use as instructed in the zip file
18. Application policy Mod.zip
Edit this file to change user capabilities and application installation settings
Location: rofs2/system/data
19. Stop Nokia SMS Mod.zip
Place this file in given location to stop your phone from automatically sending SMS to Nokia after a flash or hard reset operation
Location: rofs2/sys/bin
20. All patches.zip
Contains all available Rom Patcher patches for Nokia 5800
I placed this folder directly on Z drive. Rom Patcher works perfectly fine and till now I
faced zero reboot problem!
The file is updated. 2 new patches added!!
21. MIF Maker.zip
Use this tool to make MIF easily. Create your own splashscreens and shutdown screens
22. Hidden Menu Mod.zip
Extra shortcuts in Menu: Connection manager, Themes, Profiles
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
23. Music Player Mod.zip
Music player reads only E:/Music, create the folder and place your music files there!
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
24. Java permision mod.zip
Look into app manager/installed/"your installed Java apps'/options, see everything is always allowed and no more anoying notificatons!
Mod Updated! Download the new file!!
Location: Use as directed in the ZIP file
25. Widget security disable Mod.zip
Use this Mod to disable annoying security warnings while opening widgets
INFO: The Mod is updated and works fine now.
Location: rofs2/private/10282F06\
26. File Transfer Mod.zip - Place this file in given location to get all received files directly on E:/Received. Don't forget to create the folder "Received" in your MMC. Or you may edit the file as you like
Warning: Mod is currently out of order
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
27. Multi Mod.zip - IMPORTANT: This mod is an updated and combined version of Mods No.15 and No. 19
Use this Mod instead of No.15 and No.19 Mods
Place the two files in given location and get these results:
1. RomPatcher Autostart
2. No Nokia SMS sending after hard reset or flash
3. Fast Boot up (Optimized for speed)
4. More free RAM on startup (I got 70.12 MB)
Location: rofs2/resource
Note: Remove welcome2.exe from rofs2/sys/bin if it's there. I did't like the idea of a dead "Phone Setup" icon on menu. The Nokia Welcome or Phone Setup application in menu will work....only it will not autostart and send sms automatically after a hard reset or a flash. I did this so that you can use the "Phone Setup" application if you need later..
28. Lock Unlock Mod.zip
No more vibrations now when lock unlock screen with side key even when vibrations are turned on in profiles
Location: rofs2/private/10282BC4
29. Improved Camera Sound Mod.zip
Use this mod to remove camera beep (taking photos and video) when warning tones in profiles are ON!!!
Location: Read the help file in the zip for details
30. SmartSIS.zip
Anyone having problem with MIF Maker, use this software to convert JPEG or SVG to MIF
INFO: Requires Python 1.4.5 to run
31. Improved Caching Mod.zip
This mod is an updated version of No.3 Mod.Use this Mod instead of mod No.3
Place files in given location for improved caching on all drives
Location: rofs2/sys/data
32. Heap Size Mod.zip
This Mod Increases System Memory Heap Size and decreases Application Delay and Close Time
Location: rofs2/private/10202D56
33. Camera mute Mod
Another alternative to mute the camera sound even when warning tones are ON!
(Stick to "Camera 1" as camera capture tone)
Location: rofs2/system/
33. Information
Tips for changing default ringtone:
1. Either use mod No.4 supplied here and then edit the file to target to your ringtone file
2. Or convert your favourite to "aac" format and place in rofs2/data/sounds/digital and rename it as "Nokia tune.aac"
3. If you want Gasolina as default use "Gasolina.zip" and place files in rofs2/data/sounds/digital
34. Fixed HS.zip
Get 5 Homescreens for Nokia 5800
1. Contacts Bar
2. Full Page (6 icons)
3. Finger Use (8 icons)
4. Navigation Bar (Satio)
5. Omnia HD (Basic)
35. AIO Homescreens
5 Homescreens for Nokia 5800
36. BT Name Mod.zip
Edit this file and change the default Bluetooth name "Nokia 5800 XpressMusic" any name of your choice!
Change it and see...
Location: rofs2/private/100069CC
37. Open Apps.zip
Pressing and holding the menu key for sometime opens up the Open Applications Dialog. Edit this file to change "Open Applications:" text to any test of your choice. Be carefull, use 18 leters only!
Location: rofs2/resource
Note: Look Lines "6db0" and "6dca" using Hex Editor and change!! Best of Luck!!
38. Sensor Mod.zip
This mod is an upgrage to default sensor controls of Nokia 5800.
After applying this mod open sensor settings and see. By using this mod you will be able to silence calls and snooze alarms just by shaking your phone[/b]
Location: Use this mod as directed in the zip file.
39. Multi Mod Refined.zip - For better performance and RAM the voice commands and some less used processes were dissabled in many CFWs available out here. It's also done in Mod No. 27 (Multi Mod).
But If anyone wants Voice Commands back in action then use this mod. But remember you will have to compromise with your RAM. All functions of (Multi Mod.zip) will also be available in this Mod. The only change is that Voice Commands will work..
Location: rofs2/resource
40. Copy Mod.zip
Edit this file to determine which files are copied from Z drive to C drive after Hard reset or flash. You can also add your own folders in this file which will be automically created after hardreset. This Mod can also be used to improve free space on C drive
If Mod No. 14 dosen't work for you. use this Mod instead
Location: rofs2/private/100059C9/
41. Disable Keyboard light.rar
no more keyboard (media bar, call, menu, end call buttons) light in 99.9% of phone time
Location: rofs2/Private/
42. Revised Starter Mod.zip
According to needs of users I have modified the file "starter_non_critical_1.rsc" Use this file to get both Voice Commands and Data Connection processes to run smoothly. They were previously disabled in other similiar mods to optimize boot up and ram.
Location: rofs2/resource
43. Startup Sound Increase Mod.zip
Place file in given location to increse your startup sound upto 7x More. See help file in the zip for details.
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
44. KS Optimized Mod.zip - Use this mod instead of Mod No. 1 (New Improved KS Mod.zip) to get optimized kinetic Scrooling Speed. Mod No. 1 was requested to be too fast by somne users. Use this to get a lesser Kinetic Scrolling speed than Mod No. 1
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
45. Rotation lightning fast.zip
Place file in given location to speed up sensor screen rotation when the mobile is turned.
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9/
46. HS New Icons Mod.zip
Use this file to get 3 extra icons "Menu, Dialer, Settings" on your homescreen. Looks great with these homescreens - Navigation Bar, Full Page. You will also get the dialer as these two homescreens don't have the dialer button.You can also edit the file and change application UIDs to get different applications.
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
47. Shutdown Mod.zip
Place this file in given location to power on Shutdown Animation and shutdown sound.
Select any gif file (rename to shutdown.gif) and place in rofs2/data
Select any mp3 file (rename to shutdown.mp3) and place in rofs2/data
For startup animation place your GIF (rename to startup.gif) in rofs2/data
For startup sound place your MP3 (rename to startup.mp3) in rofs2/data
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9
48. Default Wallpaper.zip
Change the default wallpaper. Just edit the picture location in the file and then place the file in given location
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9/
49. Startup message Mod.zip
Edit the given line and get your own default startup message
0x5 string "WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE" 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
0x6 int 1 16777216 cap_rd=alwayspass cap_wr=WriteDeviceData
By default there is '0' set it to '1' in line "0x6 int 1" to enable stsrtup message function
Location: rofs2/private/10202be9/
WARNING: This mod conflicts with mod 47 and 43. If you have already modified those according to your need than just edit that file
as stated above
50. File Browser 4.5.2.zip
An excellent and fully working filebrowser on Z. Contains many functions but use very carefully. It will erase X-Plore from your head
51. New Patches.zip
Contains some new patches that I found recently. It might help you people
52. Xtreme Menu.zip
New Menu layout with great looking icons!!!
Location: rofs2/
53. Browser Landscape.zip
This adds an option for screen rotation in browser to go landscape even when u have turned off the landscape mode in sensor settings. Go to display options and select rotate screen.
\Location: rofs2\private\10202be9
54. Camera Ram mod.zip
By deafult when u open the camera and exit it, it goes to RAM cache. Use this mod to prevent camera application from eating up your RAM.
Location: rofs2\private\10202be9
55. Settings Open.zip
Use this mod to get everything what you see in settings in Applications folder.\
Location: rofs2\private\10202be9
56. Improved System Cache.zip
Use this mod to change the deafult system cache i.e cache of running applications to E:/ in order to increase performance and ram
Location: rofs2\private\10202be9
57. UI Acceleration.zip
This mod by NaughtyPope claims to speed up your phone. Runs applications and games at better frame rates and without lags. Theme effects are suppossed to be running smoother.
Location: rofs2\private\10202be9
Download All Mod FW 40 !!
Moster Lagi !!
Kayanya Ini Berbau APAC hehe ..
Change Log !!