5800 Lover's

Play, Share, Touch.

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Kalo mau sign aplikasi biar gak ribet satu2, bisa langsung banyak aplikasi.
Dengan Aplikasi ini.

Lihat Screenshotnya.
Download aplikasinya dibawah ini.

Nah ini teto untuk nambah Shortcut di HS Vodafone.
Kita Simak Ja baik-Baik Ok.
Credi by dailymobile.se

Credit By theyackuza
Semua Aplikasi yang di donlod signed dulu buat yang blom hacked.
1. Instal Dolo Nih ..
2. Run Aja langsung.
3. Kalo mau edit2 shortcutnya ada 2 cara yaitu manual dan pake python ( enakan pake python )

Manual Update
Edit di !\private\eacceee1\settings.ini (miring keterangan)
UID nya
0x20004ebb Handytaskman
0xa0000bcd Xplorer
0x10008d39 Web
0x1020695f mailforexch
0x20001f63 Maps
0x20026666 TTPOD
0xE48A4509 BTswitch
KeyCode = 63616
PortraitPosition = Rect(3,552,355,591) buat di taruh di atas contact menu
LandscapePosition = Disable
DynamicLayoutSwitch = Disable
Autostart = enable

Keterangan Setting :
1 - OnCBA - horizontal bar on Telephone and Contacts buttons
2 - AboveCBA - horizontal bar above Telephone and Contacts buttons
3 - RightVertical - the vertical bar on the right
4 - LeftVertical - the vertical bar on the left

Pake Python ( Masih Eror )
Harus pake python 1.45 beserta Modul-Modulnya.
- Install S4SW manager
Contoh Gambar yang Kanan Versi Biasa, Yang Kiri Versi Gold Gambar Credit by tiwtiw.
kalau Mau pake Voda Yang Gold disini. ( NB : Voda yang lama harus di Uninstal dolo )
Nanti Bakal Jadi Kaya Gini.

Buat Bikin SmartWork Lebih dari Satu Baris.
Pertama Download dolo dibawah ini SW Clone !!!
Pictnya Dari dailymobile.se
Tinggal install aja.. inget yah,, install aja sesuai kebutuhan..
Jadi install kalo mo nambahin satu baris.. install aja SW2.sis..
Kalo mo editing tempat dan macam shortcut nya,
Edit file *.ini nya yang ada di !/system/apps/SmartWorkSpace
Untuk settingan koordinat2 nya.sesuaiin aja .. ini neh yang paling ribet emang.

Thanks To vigo22
Credit By Measma
Fitur :
1. Fully emulate MyPhone UI in outlook, move icons, changes icons
2. SMS and Call notifier
3. Memo Deduction embedded.New!
4. Memo Mosaic embedded.New!
5. Speed Dial. New!
6. Sketchpad (only for S60 5th os)
7. Alternative List Mode (only for S60 5th os)
8. Auto-lock (only for S60 5th os)
9. Set lock screen on/off by yourself.
10. Support Landscape mode for iStyle SMS. (N97 & N97 mini only)
11. iStyle SMS conversation, you can schedule the SMS with senders list, easily to read or delete SMS. (only for S60 5th os)
12. Set MyPhone start automatically when power on.*
13. Add 3rd part icon by pick through list, no needing self input anymore. (only for S60 5th os)(Java application cannot launched)
14. Worldwide Weather
15. RSS Reader, with seamlessly reading data method
16. Customized wallpapers
17. MMMOOO Premium Service
18. Fully functional, all operations can be done via MyPhone
19. You can switch MyPhone UI into S60 UI and the other way round seamlessly
Change log in V2.40:
1. Memo Deduction embedded.
2. Memo Mosaic embedded.
3. Speed Dial.

Tutorial :
1. Install MyPhone v2.30 (appears the register screen) try trial mode and close.
2. Using x-plore, copy the file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7EFF9DE2AE15 (the unknown format file that comes inside the zip) to folder
C:\Private\101fd693\EB62125B59B4D4502AAD417849F472 51
(maybe you have in C:\Private\101fd693\ another numeration but change the file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7EFF9DE2AE15)
(if asks overwrite, do it)
3. Open MyPhone, and it's FULL!!
4. Then install V.2.40
5. copy the file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7EFF9DE2AE15 (the unknown format file that comes inside the zip) to folder
C:\Private\101fd693\EB62125B59B4D4502AAD417849F472 51
(maybe you have in C:\Private\101fd693\ another numeration but change the file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7EFF9DE2AE15)
(if asks overwrite, do it)
6. Open MyPhone, and it's FULL!!
Download dibawah ini.

Fitur :
Credit By pahlawancoklat form Kaskuser
Version 1.51 updates:
1. The top menu to increase the status bar (vertical screen mode), cell phone signals, electricity,Bluetooth,Time, Date and other information at a glance
2. To support the navigation menu as a shortcut directly into the phone's desktop, click to enter without having to press function keys (requires access to the systemSet- Personal Model - the main screen - a shortcut on their own settings)
3. In the navigation menu, long press to enter edit mode, support forRemoveAnd add program icons. Click directly to delete, press the upper right corner "Add" increase the icon.
4. In the second page of the menu, an increase of "Bluetooth" icon, the use of more convenient
5. Very sorry that you upgrade from the old version of the edition, the previous location of the icon will be lost. We would try to avoid similar incidents.
6. Optimize the horizontal screen mode, the icon layout
7.SolutionDrag the icon across the last version of the page, the error about the page upside down
8. ReceiptSMSWhenAutomaticSnap-back system, the desktop
Version 1.31 update part
1) Set within the new access point selection, the Friends can be used in Unicom's flight
2) Set in NewBootSelf-starting switch
3) The first screen the default icon into Ovi Shop
4) made a formalSignature. Download can be installed directly
Five) English phone display English menu after installation
6) N97 the first screen by default placed in "Photo" icon
Version 1.3 update part
1) The first screen to download additional navigation features,RecommendedA variety of fine softwareGames
2) Start SystemBrowserSailing can be seen after theNavigationPage. Visit the main site more easily
3) the amendment of the 1.2 version might not startbug
4) The new installation of the software, it will pop upTipsDo you want to run the
5) Task Manager to enhance control
6) Any other number of small bug
7) The first screen Added "Navigation Settings" icon, you can modify the search engine, the default browser, switches, marine navigation and other settings.

Download Link dibawah ini.

Alternatife Download

Ovi Map sekarang dah gratis selamanya nih :D
Kalau susah pake garmin ada alternatifnya koq ..
Credit by retd
Lihat Pebuktiannya dolo.

Sumberr ..
Langkah-Langkahnya :
1. Donlot Semua file dibawah ini.
Maps Loader ( Buat Download Maps Plus Voice ) Wajib Download
Lasted OVI Maps For Tube ( Buat diinstall di tube ) Wajib Download
Kalau Gag mau capek-Capek Download Map Plus Voicenya [ 76 MB ] Credit By magnified plaid
PC Suit ( buat kelengkapan detek tube sebagai pc suite ) Wajib Download
2. PC Suite buat detek aja, kalo udah punya g usah donlot lagi
3. Kalo dah pernah install maps ( kracked or apdetan or lainnya ) dihapus dulu di: seting - installed app - Nokia maps/ovimaps - uninstall
4. Install file donlotan di bawah yang .sis ke tube ( copy ke mmc ato via pc suite, sama aj )
5. Konek tube ke pc sbg pc suite
6. Jalanin map loader, kalo punya ovisuite, di off in biar g bentrok ( kalo g bisa pake map loader, ke step 8 langsung )
7. Donlot map ama voice sesuai keinginan
8. Kalo map loader g bisa, pake link bawah yang dari magnified di idws, trus di copy ke mmc/cities
9. Enjoy Navigatin.

Nantinya jadinya kaya gini.

Kanan for Satelit memakan Pulsa, Tengah Weanther, Sebelah Kiri Setting,
Kanan Menu, Kiri Tampilan Map 3 D Gratiss.
Image Credit by dhikardus

Aplikasi File Manager ..
NB : Tanpa Hacked sudah disigned
Credit by xbluer Form Kaskuser
Tested by Admin 5800 Lover FW 40

Lihat Gambar ..

Instalnya harus berurutan yah ..
Sesuai deretan yg dibawah .. jadi paling bawah intall yg trakhir.

Font mantapsss nih ..
Font Comic.
Dah Tested By 5800 Lover ...
Lihat Gambarnya dolo ..

Download Fontnya dibawah ini.

Lihat Gambarnya

Download fontnya dibawah ini,

Details !
An Evernote client has been a constant request in the Symbian ecosystem for many months now and, late last year, a Web runtime version turned up, optimised for the Nokia N97 and compatibles. This has been regularly updated and, with version 1.0.70302, released last night in the USA, has reached the point where I can start to recommend it to the wider world. See below for screens, comments and some links.

Now, obviously, a fully working, native Symbian application would have been faster and slicker. But writing a client for Web runtime (in HTML and CSS and Ajax) has at least meant that the project has got off the ground. And, with Web itself handling the buttons, display elements and kinetic scrolling, the interface is surprisingly usable
[fr]Evernote est un service vous permettant de prendre divers types de notes (texte, photo, son) et de les synchroniser entre votre mobile, votre PC, le web… Ce service dispose d’applications Windows et Mac depuis un moment et ces derniers mois toutes les plateformes mobiles ont eu droits à leur adaptation (iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Maemo…)

Lihat Gambarnya !!


Download aplikasinya dibawah ini.

Sekarang Nokia Udah buat GPS yang free neeh ..
Khereennn ..

Thanks to r3dx

Coba Check dimari.

Device yang kompatibel :
Nokia X6, Nokia N97 mini, E72, E55, E52, Nokia 6730 classic, Nokia 6710 Navigator, Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic, Nokia 5800 Navigation Edition, Nokia 5230.

Theme Orginalnya Nih ..
Credit by dailymobile.se
Lihat Gambar !!

Download themenya dibawah ini.

Theme Icon Samsung :)
Lihat Gambarnya dolo ..

download themenya dibawah ini.

Peta Garmin Baru nih ..
Biar Tambah Lengkapp ..
Thanks To Retd by Kaskus
Lihat Gambar !!

Install di PC > Jalanin .bat nya > Copy ke Tube .img nya E:/Garmin
Download Mapnya dibawah ini.
Ini alamat Aslinya klo yang diatas bermasalah